Ostrava, Czech republic
We have prepared for you a brief summary of Czech VR conference, which took place in Prague, from 17th to 19th of June on ČVUT university. We arrived to Prague on Wednesday, June 19, to get ourselves acclimatized as much as possible. And also to enjoy the capital in the evening and check out the news here in Prague. For example the reconstructed National Museum, which is really beautiful.
The next day early in the morning we went to the CTU building before 8:00 to prepare our showroom and give our visitors a positive flow. During the first hour we had everything ready and we started waiting for the conference visitors.
Right after the opening of the conference, a family business from Slovakia visited us and we had an interesting discussion on the topic of VR / AR regarding the reconstruction of a historic building. It was the processing of digital parts of the medieval castle in the east of Slovakia. From the perspective of a potential visitor to the castle, we found it very interesting. To look at the individual parts of the castle in a contemporary depiction in virtual or augmented reality is definitely quite interesting.
The morning ran very briskly, we did not sit for a while and when it looked like we could, the filmmakers from Most came to see us. At first glance, amazing gentlemen, from whom we felt optimism and joy. We discussed the topic of virtualization of period spatial photos and the processing of thematic parts of the museum from the mining era. We have a common theme and that is coal, in our Ostrava region we mined black coal and in Most they mined brown coal.
The day shifted very quickly into the afternoon and we talked about the possibility of training employees against hazardous nuclear waste. Furthermore, the presentation of perfume using digital technology was a challenge for us. How to ensure olfactory perception through the VR unit. Fortunately, we know this, we would say, a pedestal that can greatly help the client. We believe this add-on can be very helpful https://feelreal.com/
The above examples were just a shard of what we experienced and we found it interesting to mention it. We are pleased that companies are already thinking about virtual reality in a broader context.
We were very pleased with the feedback from the conference visitors, we believe that we have provided enough information. We realized that we are already talking about us as Tasty Air, a virtual reality and augmented reality company, and not just a gaming company with more than 15 years of experience in the market. We are also looking forward to possible cooperation with Vít Urban from Etnetera company.
Do not hesitate to send us your questions after the conference.
Team Tasty Air
TASTY AIR - virtual and augmented reality for business
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